Monday, September 14, 2009

More Conversations with the Hubs

(While watching some reality daredevil-looking show on TV, some dude is about to participate in some kind of life-threatening stupidity just to prove he's a MAN)

Hunnybunny: We're gonna watch him DIE!

Me: You sound kinda excited about that.

Hunnybunny: *maniacal laughter*

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Economy Blatherings

So the whole world is short on money, or so they'd like us to think. You only need to watch any news channel or nightly news report to have the bejeebies scared out of you. They are saying the economic picture is not good, that things are only going to get worse, and that we can only look forward to abject poverty.

Then they turn off the cameras, button their thousand-dollar suits, and get into their $50,000 Lexus SUVs and drive to their gated community and park in their million-dollar garage and thank their lucky stars they aren't one of those people who have to worry about anything they just reported.

There is a huge gap between the people who have to worry about rising gas prices and food costs and those who forecast doom and gloom on the television. Now, I'm not suggesting communism or some Robin Hood society, not at all. It's just pretty frustrating to me that we turn on our television and see movie stars and those in the entertainment industry driving their gas-guzzling, environment-polluting Hummers, dressing in designer gowns, wearing million-dollar jewelry, and then running their mouth about saving the environment and some country in Africa. It just doesn't ring very true coming from such hypocrites.

Now they aren't ALL like that. There are several celebrities that use their recognition and riches to make things better for the environment and for those less fortunate. Leo DiCaprio drives the electric cars, Eva Longoria just built a solar home, and Angelina Jolie has a personal goal to ADOPT all of Darfur... It's good to see them trying to do their part with the blessings they have been given.

But it's becoming increasingly harder to just cover the basics here at home. With gas at almost 5 bucks a gallon, and food prices going through the roof, we are pretty much forced to tighten things up. I don't take random car trips, I try to run all my weekly errands at once and closer to home. I make a grocery list that no longer includes a lot of fluff. We're cutting down to eating meat more like twice or three times a week, we're making more homemade snacks and not buying pre-packaged convenience foods. We don't have a choice, there are eight of us, and our dollars just aren't going as far as they used to.

But it's a good thing. Convenience foods are almost always less healthy than homemade. We are not polluting the environment with excess fumes from driving so much, and we are spending more time together at home.

The next step? Well, our power bill notched out at $284 this month. We are on budget billing, so that's what we'll be paying every month until our usage goes down. So I'm instituting power outages at least once a week. I'm thinking we'll take one night (like maybe from 4:30pm til 10pm) and go completely lights out, except for the refrigerator of course). I'm hoping this will cut our usage down enough to bring our power bill down to maybe just $200 a month? I dunno, we'll see. Hopefully I'll keep the old blog updated with our progress. :)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Conversations with HP Tech Support

So here's the conversation I had with the HP Customer Service Representative in their online help chat. Micah's laptop stopped working, so I asked for help. It is still under warranty, but apparently I have mistreated the battery, so they won't send me a new one. WHATEVER! But this conversation was pretty funny, so I thought I'd share.

Valerie Staples : Whenever I turn on the laptop, the screen will not come on, and the indicators by the caps lock and the numbers lock flash on and off.

[An agent will be with you shortly.]

You are now chatting with Aston Mason .]

Aston Mason : Welcome to HP Total Care for notebook. My name is Aston Mason. Please give me a few moments while I review your problem description details.
NOTE: For security reasons, PLEASE DO NOT send credit card information via chat.
Aston Mason : Hello!

Aston Mason : How are you?

Valerie Staples : I am great, how are you doing?

Aston Mason : Glad to know that you are doing great!

Aston Mason : I am doing fine, thank you for asking.

Valerie Staples : well aside from my laptop not wanting to work, :)

Valerie Staples : the interesting thing is the indicators by the numbers lock and caps lock blink four times, pause and then blink four times again

Valerie Staples : it's like my computer is trying to tell me something

Aston Mason : Alright.

Aston Mason : Oh!

Valerie Staples : it IS trying to tell me something isn't it

Aston Mason : Are you there with me online?

Valerie Staples : yes I keep seeing that you are typing a message but nothing ever comes up

Valerie Staples : can you see me?

Aston Mason : Valerie,I wish I could, but I can not. (NOTE: CREEPY!!!!)

Valerie Staples : oh no I mean can you see that I'm typing

Aston Mason : You can check this numbers on a non-Microsoft sticker when you flip the notebook over. Please provide the numbers beside s/n and p/n on the sticker.

Valerie Staples : that last message that I got before are you there with me online is Oh!

Valerie Staples : ok

Valerie Staples : s/n is xxxxxxxxxxxx and p/n is xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Valerie Staples : I just got this laptop in April 2009

Aston Mason : Thank you!

Aston Mason : According to my database the Operating system you are using is Windows Vista 32 bit, am I right?

Valerie Staples : I think it was a 64 bit, but I'm not positive

Valerie Staples : I can get the box out hang on

Aston Mason : To isolate the cause of the issue I would like to ask you few questions.
Can I go ahead?
Valerie Staples : it says Windows Vista 64-bit home premium

Valerie Staples : sure

Aston Mason : Thank you!

Aston Mason : when was the last time it worked fine?

Valerie Staples : yesterday

Aston Mason : Are you there with me online?

Valerie Staples : yes did you get my answer?

Valerie Staples : it worked yesterday

Aston Mason : Please are you able to boot to the window at list?
Valerie Staples : no

Aston Mason : When you turn on the notebook

.Valerie Staples : I turn it on and all the indicator lights come on, but the screen doesn't come on at all

Aston Mason : Alright.

Valerie Staples : I shined a flashlight to make sure it wasn't the backlight and it's not

Aston Mason : Okay.

Aston Mason : Please tell me, did you make any hardware or software changes to the notebook?

Valerie Staples : last week I reset it to factory settings because I was having trouble with SQL

Aston Mason : Alright.

Aston Mason : What are the steps you have already tried to resolve the issue?

Valerie Staples : I tried to turn it on, when the screen stayed black, I shined a flashlight on it to make sure it wasn't the backlight, and that's pretty much it

Aston Mason : I really appreciate your efforts.

Valerie Staples : thanks

Aston Mason : Is that fine with you?

Valerie Staples : what?

Valerie Staples : I think I missed a message

Aston Mason : Please tell me, is the notebook with you right now?

Valerie Staples : yes

Aston Mason : Now,what I will do is provide you with some steps to follow and I request you to follow the steps.
Aston Mason : Can we go ahead?

Valerie Staples : alright

Aston Mason : 1) Unplug the AC adapter from the notebook PC and remove from any port replicator or docking station.
Valerie Staples : ok

Aston Mason : Please let me know once you are done with the step.

Valerie Staples : it is done

Aston Mason : Please let me know once you are done with the step.
Aston Mason : 2) Remove the battery from the notebook battery compartment.
Valerie Staples : ok

Valerie Staples : done

Aston Mason : NOTE: Holding down the power button while the computer is turned off drains any residual charge in the capacitors.

Valerie Staples : I should do that?

Aston Mason : Yes, these steps are given to perform right now.

Valerie Staples : how long should I hold it?

Aston Mason : For 45 second.

Aston Mason : Please let me know once you are done with the step

.Valerie Staples : I think step 3 didn't show up

Valerie Staples : all I got was the note

Aston Mason : I think we are facing some technical issues.

Valerie Staples : me too

Valerie Staples : ok I held the power button down for 45 seconds was that all there was in step 3?

Aston Mason : That's fine, I appreciate your cooperativeness.

Aston Mason : Great!

Aston Mason : 4) Insert the battery and plug the AC adapter back into the notebook PC.
Valerie Staples : done

Aston Mason : 4) Insert the battery and plug the AC adapter back into the notebook PC.
Valerie Staples : alright finished

Aston Mason : 5) Pleasae go ahead and turn on the computer.

Aston Mason : And please let me know the result.

Valerie Staples : ok it's on and it says the storage capacity of the battery is very low and needs to be replaced

Valerie Staples : and now it's loading

Aston Mason : Okay.

Valerie Staples : so something is wrong with the battery then

Valerie Staples : ok it just went off again

Aston Mason : Valerie,I think this issue is caused due to battery and it needs to be replaced.

Valerie Staples : alright

Valerie Staples : I have only had this computer for 8 or 9 months, why is the battery dead?

Aston Mason : Valerie, there is not the only cause for this issue.

Valerie Staples : ok

Aston Mason : I am really sorry to know that this has happed with your notebook.

Valerie Staples : where do I need to get the battery?

Aston Mason : Valerie, I would like to help you with this issue by sending a new battery and you need to pay for the battery.

Valerie Staples : how much is the battery?

Valerie Staples : and am I to expect that this battery will also die in 8 months?

Aston Mason : No, do not worry about it.

Aston Mason : I understand Valerie, I would also feel the same if I would be at your place.

Valerie Staples : how do I get a new battery?

Aston Mason : I will send you the battery tested in our HP labs.

Aston Mason : The battery would cost you $ 114.00

Valerie Staples : ouch. I think I'll try ebay

Valerie Staples : it's a shame that I pay almost $1,000 for a new laptop and in 8 months the battery dies

Valerie Staples : I think next time I'll get a Macbook

Aston Mason : And I will also provde you with solution, what to do after you purchase the battery for your notebook.

Valerie Staples : I can't afford $114.00

Valerie Staples : I will see if I can find one cheaper elsewhere

Aston Mason : I wish things could have been in my hands.

Valerie Staples : it's ok thank you for your help, it's good to know what the problem is

Valerie Staples : and I can take it from here

Valerie Staples : have a great weekend

Aston Mason : Valerie, I would like to tell you that......

Valerie Staples : yes?

Aston Mason : HP does not take responsibility of the products purchased form non HP ddealers.

Valerie Staples : I understand, but HP apparently doesn't take responsibility for products purchased from HP, seeing as how I have a dead battery in less than a year for no good reason

Aston Mason : Valerie, believe me and give me a chance to prove it's worth.

Aston Mason : Valerie, I guaranty you that this will not happen again with your notebooks battery.

Valerie Staples : I understand what you are saying. I buy a battery from somewhere else and my warranty is voided

Mason : Because the battery will be tested by our best experts.

Valerie Staples : why wasn't my battery tested by your best experts?

Valerie Staples : I don't have $114.00 to squeeze out at this time

Aston Mason : Valerie, I really appreciate you for being a loyal customer of HP and I thank you for that.

Mason : I sincerely appreciate your willingness and patience to work with me on this issue.

Aston Mason : I must tell you that you have been very cooperative in helping me complete my responsibility.

Valerie Staples : well it's not like you are responsible for this heap of garbage :) take care!"

Thursday, January 22, 2009


So 36 years ago today, the Supreme Court ruled in Roe vs. Wade that any laws against abortion on demand violated a woman's right to privacy under the 14th Amendment. This decision overturned all laws outlawing or restricting abortion.

I am just sober and sad today, thinking of 50 million babies who might have been able to live. I wonder if one of those babies might have made a really important health discovery, or been a great orator, or an activist for peace. But every one of those babies was important; each had a destiny that was extinguished before it had a chance to unfold.

I wish that things were different, and that our country had a respect for life. I pray for women who find themselves in a difficult situation, and I pray for those who have felt the only choice for them is to have an abortion. I know that an unplanned pregnancy is a hard thing to deal with, and whatever choice you make, you have to live with the consequences for the rest of your life.

Pardon my sobriety today; it's just that this is a solemn anniversary for me.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

We Are a Dippy Bunch

So sometimes brain cells hide. Sometimes we do crazy things and later we look back and go WHAT WAS I THINKING?!?! Sometimes we do things in our sleep that boggle the mind. FOR EXAMPLE...
I had to go to a birth last night, so my husband was in bed watching TV. He likes to turn on the TV and fall asleep, which usually isn't a problem. But lately he has developed the habit of flipping channels while in that space between awake and asleep. For the most part, it's just annoying because I'll still be awake and he's over there snoring and right when I get interested in what's on, his finger goes to flipping and he's completely unaware.
Well last night he took it to a new level. Somehow in his sleep he purchased a PPV event for 55 bucks. A UFC fight, nonetheless. This is really funny because my hubby doesn't watch UFC fights, NASCAR, football, or any of these types of annoying male sports.
So I had to call the satellite company today to discuss how to undo a PPV prepaid event that was purchased while asleep. If you've followed my blog from the beginning you'll remember how much I like calling the satellite company. If you haven't, see the post called Voice-Activated Menus. Anyway, after the lady picked herself up off the floor and stopped laughing, she informed me that since it was purchased with the remote, that they couldn't cancel it. But she did say that if I called back after it hit my bill, they'd credit me. How nice, right? So now I have to give my hubby a fake remote to hold while he falls asleep so he won't be buying PPV events. I did figure out how to hide and lock the PPV events on the menus.
SO since I've outed my husband, I'll tell a little story about myself.
Last night I was on my way to a birth at the Army hospital. When you go on base, you have to stop at the visitor center to get a pass if you aren't military, which I am not. SO I march into the visitor center with my drivers license and my car registration. The lady then informs me that she cannot let me on base because MY LICENSE WAS EXPIRED. Oh geez. So I have a paying client waiting on her doula and I can't get on base because I let my license expire. *forehead slap* DOH! My husband had to come and drive me to the gate and my client's husband had to pick me up and take me to the hospital. I felt like a big heel. My client delivered 4 weeks early, so I just didn't have my doula head on. But the baby was born at 7am today, and she is BEAUTIFUL.
Anyway, so I just thought I'd share some of the dimwitted things we do at our house. Ciao!