So this is my fourth quarter of school. I'm enjoying it very much, even though it's a stretch for me and especially for my family. They've stuck with me through Medical Terminology, two quarters of Anatomy and Physiology, and now it's PHYSICS. Color me dippy, but I hadn't really pondered that Ultrasound was HEAVY in Physics. I have Introduction to Physics, and then once we get to know each other a little better, I will have two quarters of Physics when I get accepted into the actual Ultrasound program. We had our first class today, and it was heavy. This one is not going to be a gimme. Of course, none of them have been so far.
I'm finding it a little tough to get all the schoolwork handled, homeschool my babies, and actually shovel the muck out of my house as needed. Oh and paying the bills. Can you say stressed? I'm like the poster child for Tums. But I know that a lot of people have balanced a home and family and college, so I'm just hanging on by my fingernails.