Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Experiments in Surgical Procedures

Well, it's been a while since I updated this thing. Not like anyone reads it anyway. Let me see if I can catch up all the news.
  • I decided to change my major from Diagnostic Medical Sonography to Pre-Med. Yep, going to medical school. I know, I'm old, but I'm doing it anyway.
  • I transferred to Columbus State University. I'm officially a sophomore now, YAY! And I feel like a real college student since I switched from a technical college to a REAL University.
  • I have two licensed drivers and one driver with a new learner's permit. Car insurance? WOO!
  • I moved from Salem, AL, to Seale, AL. From the sticks to Hooterville.
  • My life is officially CRAZY!
So I know it's weird to write about really personal stuff, but this is just too hilarious not to share. I have had this mole on my hip (READ: upper butt) my entire life. And for my entire life, I have worn pants. But for some reason, this mole decided to get all irritated and start bothering the heck out of me. I tried slapping a bandaid on it, but it didn't really change anything. SO I whined and complained until my hubby tired of hearing of it. He said that he could use compressed air to freeze it and it would eventually fall off. I was hesitant at first, but it's REALLY bugging and I didn't want to pay to go to the doctor. So we decided to try it out. He (sorta) protected the surrounding area and fired away. It hurt like mad and I changed my mind in the middle. He said I was a whiney butt and stopped. Well, he didn't do a great job of protecting the area, so I have a little widespread frostbite on my hip (er, butt). So I pulled out my computer and started doing a little online reading. I found several forums where people said they just decided to snip the pesky things off, and were they ever so glad that they did it. So I decided that I would just snip it off. Well, it's in an area on my hip (ok, butt) where it would be quite difficult to get to, much less have the coordination to cut it off. John volunteered. I was a bit trepidatious (scared to death), and I finally agreed. Of course we sterilized everything. So John snipped it off. It hurt for a second, but not anymore than it has for the last few weeks. It bled a good bit, so much that when he pulled of the bandaid that needed to be changed, it flung blood on his shirt and on the shower door. We laughed and said I had better not drop dead in the next few days. Well, he has an identical mole on his back, so I told him since he was so cavalier about operating on me, he should allow me to take care of his. SO yep, I removed his! We're weird, right?

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