Tuesday, December 13, 2011


So my experiment with OCM has been put on hold for a bit. I had surgery yesterday on my foot, and couldn't put anything on my face the night before. So I'm hoping to resume OCM tonight before bed. I'm just hoping to be able to wash ANYTHING today. I am not allowed to get my feet wet, and we only have a shower in our bathroom as our bathtub had leaky supply lines and is yet to be repaired. I'm thinking I'm going to put my foot in a bag really soon, as I don't like skipping showers for two days in a row. YUK! So stay tuned. I know there are millions out there waiting for my results...

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Finals week sometimes finds me falling into bed in my clothes without having done any kind of hygiene upkeep before passing out. That was me when I woke up this morning. So I was a little hesitant to use the OCM this morning because you're supposed to do it at bedtime. But the thought of smearing soap on my face that very much needed some attention was not comforting. So I did OCM this morning before my shower. I have seen a bit of improvement in my skin. I don't have the dry patches that I usually have on my cheeks because I normally use such harsh stuff to try to control my oily t-zone. My skin feels soft and smooth without feeling greasy. I don't have any new blemishes at all, and the ones that I had when I started are almost all gone. The bumps and redness I had on my cheeks are almost completely gone, and no signs of anything new sprouting up there. Yesterday I had used the baking soda and apple cider vinegar on my hair, and I think I must have not rinsed the baking soda out of the ends of my hair thoroughly. The ends of my hair felt like straw all day yesterday and it was driving me crazy. This morning when I washed my hair I had forgotten to refill the baking soda "shampoo" bottle, so I just washed with my usual nexxus stuff. I'll start over tomorrow again and try to do a better job. I seriously need a trim too. Anyway, there's the latest update. Back to the books!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Day 2

I got up this morning, expecting a giant greasy oil slick on my face. But surprise! My skin felt nice and clean. So I just rinsed with water in the shower and didn't put any soap on my face. It has been fine all day with no grimy feeling or mid-day oil slick. So I did ocm again before bedtime. And it still feels nice. I also started with the no shampoo this morning. The baking soda shampoo cleaned my hair great, and the apple cider vinegar conditioned and detangled better than the Paul Mitchell I usually use. And I didn't feel like my hair was heavy and icky all day like it does when I skip shampooing it sometimes. So far I'm very happy. I'll try to keep up through the rest of the week, but I do have finals this week. Ciao!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Day 1

I'm back! I've been a bit busy (see other blog), and I do mean to post here, but sometimes I forget. Most of the time I forget. I am not going to promise a sudden resurgence in posts, but I am trying an experiment that I thought I'd share here. I was browsing about the Internet, avoiding studying as usual, when I happened across an interesting post about the Oil Cleansing Method, or OCM. I had everything here except castor oil, so I had my hubby pick some up on the way home. So tonight I tried it for the first time. It did not feel like I was spreading a bunch of goo on my face, and the massage was kinda nice. After I finished, my skin didn't feel greasy or gross, it actually feels smooth and clean, without the tight soapy feeling. I don't have horrible skin, just an occasional monthly breakout and lately some kind of weird red bumpy mess that shows up on my cheeks, particularly when a test is imminent. It looks kinda like rosacea, but I have no definite diagnosis on that. But if all that clears up and my skin treats me nice, I may have found a new routine. I also read on the same site about no shampoo, and I've mixed that up to try tomorrow. I'll try to keep this current with impressions and results. Day 1: nice!
No shampoo

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th!

Today was a fun day for the Staples Zoo. We slept in, goofed off, played video games, and then went to a friend's for a barbecue. My Dad bought this giant box of fireworks from Sam's Club, and we spent a large portion of the evening shooting them off. My kids had so much fun lighting fireworks and dodging the sparks. It really was fun sharing the Fourth with friends and family. Happy Fourth of July!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Back to the ER

When the kids were a bit younger, we spent a considerable amount of time in urgent care or the ER. My kids have broken a few bones over the years: Josh broke a toe, Gideon broke his collarbone, Mackenzie broke her leg. But it's been a good while since we had any reason to go to the ER. Until yesterday. Gideon and Zion were in their room, and Zion tripped and fell, and his knee came down right on Gideon's right hand. Gideon's finger was displaced very badly, and I was pretty sure it was broken. So we went on down to the ER and had it checked out. Gideon's finger looked like this:
After they did the x-rays, the doctor said that it was broken at the base of the ring finger. He then had to reduce it (put it back into the right place). The nurse bandaged it up, and then he looked like this:
As you can see, the lortab was very useful. We went to see Dr. Rehak (yep that's his name) today, and he said that he has to keep it buddy-taped 24/7 for the next two weeks. After that, he can remove it twice a day for the next two weeks, then he has a follow-up appointment. Hopefully everything will be all healed by then.

Part of having kids is these kinds of visits. I have to say that the ER at John Hughston hospital is exceptionally efficient and friendly. And the staff at Dr. Rehak's office at the Hughston Clinic are just awesome. It makes these kinds of traumatic accidents a little more bearable when you don't have to deal with people who hate their jobs.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I have a lot of stuff to say

...But when I log into the blog it's like it disappears. I read other blogs, and I think about how marvelous it must be to just be able to shoot off a few lines and it resonate with other people. I mean, my blog is basically invisible. I had another blog, but when I wanted to change my email address, it wouldn't let me, so I ported it all over here. But I didn't port my 1.5 reader(s). So wherever you are out there, here I am!

I have recently encountered a situation where I reacted strongly, and I wasn't exactly proud of the vicious feelings that surfaced in me. I mean, I'm never surprised when mama bear comes out, and that's not what I'm talking about here. I'm talking about a customer service issue. Seems a website that I paid to participate in changed some of the rules, which they are entitled to, but then they were extremely upset when I decided I wasn't going to give them any more of my money and I decided to leave them with it. We're talking flipping out upset. And I wasn't the only one concerned with where things were going. A large group really was disturbed, and so we all picked up and left. I can't for the life of me figure out why they were surprised. But I felt rather vindictive, and so I removed posts that would be a problem, changed my username and left. I was sitting here thinking about whatever that was that came out of me. I was angry and shocked and a little mean. I thought I was a nice enough person, but I really doubt anyone around me is surprised at my reaction. I'm kinda blunt and up-front about what is going on in my head, and if I'm not, my face betrays me something fierce. But things like this sometimes make you look in the mirror and say, "Hey, chick, don't kid yourself, you can be a real witch sometimes."

I have never been that "nice person." You know what I'm talking about, that person like Melanie Wilkes in Gone With the Wind, that never believes any evil about anyone, even when they (talkin' to you, Scarlett) truly are evil and deserve a finger-wagging from Melanie. I wonder what makes someone "nice". Is it upbringing, birth order, doormat issues? Why are some people just nice, and other people, well, not so much? Believe me, I really TRIED being nice. But it's really hard to PRETEND to be nice, when you're just not. Does anyone else feel like this? There are people in this world that are just not bothered when someone else just steamrolls them into a flat greasy spot because they are self-serving and out to get what's coming to them. And I think about those kind of people too. The ones that don't care who they run over or hurt to achieve their own selfish plans. The people that (in the stories) never win and get what what they deserve in "the end". That doesn't always work out in real life. Sometimes those people win. Sometimes the nice people end up getting punished and the jerks get the prizes. But I guess that's another blog entirely.

Anyway, what I was getting at was that sometimes when the pressure is on, you really find out who you are. And sometimes it's not at all what you thought you were.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Experiments in Surgical Procedures

Well, it's been a while since I updated this thing. Not like anyone reads it anyway. Let me see if I can catch up all the news.
  • I decided to change my major from Diagnostic Medical Sonography to Pre-Med. Yep, going to medical school. I know, I'm old, but I'm doing it anyway.
  • I transferred to Columbus State University. I'm officially a sophomore now, YAY! And I feel like a real college student since I switched from a technical college to a REAL University.
  • I have two licensed drivers and one driver with a new learner's permit. Car insurance? WOO!
  • I moved from Salem, AL, to Seale, AL. From the sticks to Hooterville.
  • My life is officially CRAZY!
So I know it's weird to write about really personal stuff, but this is just too hilarious not to share. I have had this mole on my hip (READ: upper butt) my entire life. And for my entire life, I have worn pants. But for some reason, this mole decided to get all irritated and start bothering the heck out of me. I tried slapping a bandaid on it, but it didn't really change anything. SO I whined and complained until my hubby tired of hearing of it. He said that he could use compressed air to freeze it and it would eventually fall off. I was hesitant at first, but it's REALLY bugging and I didn't want to pay to go to the doctor. So we decided to try it out. He (sorta) protected the surrounding area and fired away. It hurt like mad and I changed my mind in the middle. He said I was a whiney butt and stopped. Well, he didn't do a great job of protecting the area, so I have a little widespread frostbite on my hip (er, butt). So I pulled out my computer and started doing a little online reading. I found several forums where people said they just decided to snip the pesky things off, and were they ever so glad that they did it. So I decided that I would just snip it off. Well, it's in an area on my hip (ok, butt) where it would be quite difficult to get to, much less have the coordination to cut it off. John volunteered. I was a bit trepidatious (scared to death), and I finally agreed. Of course we sterilized everything. So John snipped it off. It hurt for a second, but not anymore than it has for the last few weeks. It bled a good bit, so much that when he pulled of the bandaid that needed to be changed, it flung blood on his shirt and on the shower door. We laughed and said I had better not drop dead in the next few days. Well, he has an identical mole on his back, so I told him since he was so cavalier about operating on me, he should allow me to take care of his. SO yep, I removed his! We're weird, right?